Practice Practice Practice

I know you seen the title. Practice! Practice so much that you can't stand to look at your camera, and than do it some more. 
I was up really late the other night as I am most nights. Playing video games, watching youtube videos or on instagram basically not working on my craft. While watching some youtube vids on photography, and it dawned on me. Why the hell am I watching when I could be doing.
I got up, got my camera, found in area, some random subjects and I started to practice my craft.   

The photos are in no way amazing, but that's not the point.
Practicing your craft is the point.




Whenever you can make sure to hone your skills with your craft. The post is not just for photography. Practice Practice Practice no matter what that craft is. Check ya later. 
Oh and if you were wondering? Yes those crunch berries got destroyed lol

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